

Second Bleach on My Way to White Heaven

My hair is going in all directions now, I never knew what a huge swirl I have (like my dad) in the middle of my head, and the second bleach didn't do much to the colour. I'm hoping that third time is the charm, so we'll see later tonight, what happens! Darn it for having the ginger gene...


  1. kantsii olla kärsivällinen valkaisujen kaa koska siinä kärtsää helposti tukka. ite valkasin kerran kahtena päivänä peräkkäin ja tuloksena osa hiuksista katkes ihan lyhyiksi :D tosin mulla oli valmiiks tosi huonossa kunnossa tukka. sun hiukset näyttää kans aika vaikeilta saada valkoiseksi. hopeashamppoo voi ehkä auttaa vähän..

    1. Joo yleensä yritänkin olla, mutta oon huomannu ettei se niin vaikuta mulla kuinka nopeasti valkasee. Tukka on aina aika hyväkuntonen, ei mitään tietoa miksi, mutta niin se vaan pysyy...
      Ja hopeashampoota on! Aion sitä myös käyttää vielä :)

  2. hey, I have to say I really like your new haircut :) So, are you planning to bleach it completely white?

    1. Thank you :33 and yes, I'm trying, but I'm not sure if my hair will ever go completely white!

  3. You probably bleached it already again, but since I see this post only now, I still tell you: you could maybe use something else than bleach. There is a special colour of Directions, that will make your hair white. :) It's called white toner and it will make the yellow "go away" and it becomes white. My brother often used this, when he wanted to have his hair black and white and it worked.


    1. I'm actually using both! Well, not the Manic Panic one since I can't get it in Finland, but I am using different silver shampoos and white toners to make the last pieces of yellow go away. Sadly my hair is really ginger so a white toner couldn't take the dark orange parts away...hence the bleach
