

Make Up Make Up, All that Make Up: Starting a Make Up Project

So you may have noticed that almost all if not all of my make up of the days have been done with Geek Chic Cosmetics eyeshadows. I rarely use anything else these days hence the idea of a project. The idea I got from +Alicja P. 's blog project with both beauty and fashion, where she posts on her blog Hate Me or Love Me both new arrangements of clothing and new creative uses of her old pieces of make up.

The idea for this project is then, that I will go through all of my old make up, including mascaras and lipsticks and post make up of the days with those, rather than my new GCC eyeshadows. I will tell you what products I used, show you photos and try to make this as clear and interesting as possible. I doubt about the interesting part, but let's see, shall we?

Aion aloittaa blogiprojektin tai ennemmin meikkiprojektin, jossa käyn läpi kaikki vanhat meikkini ja näytän uusia päivän meikkejä niiden kanssa enkä aina vain samojen GCC:n meikkejä käyttäen.
Here's all the make up you'll be seeing in my photos later, it's a lot isn't it?
Tässä näette kaikki meikkini, aika paljon eikös?

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