

Giving up and not

I am giving up writing and publishing my food diaries, mostly because I've come to a point in my life that I feel I don't really need to post those, or so many posts a day as usual for me. This blog has some unbelievable therapeutic qualities for me, so I am not giving up on this (or on my diet), but I will try and keep it to a bare minimum.

My life is not suddenly better, but I do feel a weight slowly being lifted off my shoulders as each day passes, because each day I manage to get closer to my goals. It feels comforting. Also I think my meds are working better slowly, but I will have to discuss things with my shrink still.

Tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy again and get some more pills, on Saturday I will go clean out my flat in Tampere a bit more, on Sunday it's time for some shopping with my bf, and on Monday it's a nice little second Sunday. Three Kings, can't wait!

Three Holy Kings by Piotr Stachiewicz, for the Three Kings' Day on 6th January

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