

Photos VII: Piercing love

I just love piercings. Okay, not all of them and definitely not on everybody, but generally, I love piercings. My favourites are anything in the ear, labrets, medusas and septums. For me, I'd really like either a medusa or a vertical labret.
I probably will never get one seeing as my dad hates them and to be quite honest, I rarely listen to him, so there must be something else keeping me away from it as well. Maybe it's the idea of the needle, the cost or just the hole in my face for the rest of my life when I take it off. Or all the nerves that could get damaged. I know it's just paranoia on my part, but still, probably not going to take one.

I just feel that for the female lip form labrets and medusas are just the most beautiful piercings ever. Together with septums they just really stand out and enhance cupid's arch!

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