

I workout so I can keep up with the Doctor

Finally managed to take some pictures and hey here's my favourite items I shopped for these past months! Aren't they just awesome? It's so awesome going to the gym in these and flaunting your NERDINESS for everyone to see! Love 'em.

Also my email doesn't want to work right now, so if you want to know where they were from, just ask in a comment and I'll get to you as soon as I get my email working! Because the store confirmation is in my email if you're wondering.
They were $50, no shipping, and a bit over 4€ as customs taxes.

Yesterday, I bought two lipsticks from KICKS in Helsinki. One black one and one two-tone one with a side that's golden and the other silver! It's so awesome and looks so dreadful on me. I doubt I'll use them much, but it is lovely having them. They're fun. Maybe for Halloween?

Just look how horrible the gold/silver one looks! I look completely dead and the green eyeshadow isn't helping! Rather fantastic, rather disgusting.

Also that's how much my hair has grown! It's almost to my shoulders! I can't wait for it to actually grow even longer.


  1. aaa, oon himoinnut tota Doctor - toppia niiin kauan, mut niin kalliita ;__;

    1. Niinpä! Multaki meni kuun ruokarahat siihen :D onneks on jo menny pari kuukautta noiden tilaamisesta niin oon saanu säästettyä taas normibudjetin, mutta huh. Ens kerralla pitää kunnolla harkita!

    2. No hyvä :--D mä myös himoitsin supernatural jumppatoppia ja oli niitä vaikka miten monta.. Mut niin khuulit nuo on kyl ❤

    3. Uuuu supernatural! *haluaa*

  2. Those are cool tshirts, I love the Mordor one, although honestly, I don't really want to climb Mount Doom, I'd much rather live in the Shire and party with the hobbits and sit under the lovely oaks reading.

    That is a really awesome hair colour!

    1. Haha I know :D but who works out to be able to party with hobbits? Also I'd rather workout to ride around with the Rohirrim, but nvm. I still like it!

      Thank you :3 (it's still gonna go green soon)
