

Finally some Canada!

Alright, I am so sorry this has taken so horribly long, but here it is, some of my photo memories from my time in Toronto. I was in Canada during June (Toronto for nearly two weeks, and a small weird pit stop kinda thing in Montreal).

I had an amazing time. My hostel was beautiful and so much fun, the people were so friendly, I made friends who I can't wait to see again. I spent most of my time hanging out in tourist spots and at the hostel, but I went partying almost every night and met the loveliest people - I fell in love. I absolutely fell in love and if I can, I'll move there for my exchange and work placement. Toronto was fantastic!
Montreal, not so much. Not even close.


  1. Upeita kuvia! Tiedätkö, onko tuo saurus ihan kokonaan aito fossiili? Olisi tosi hienoa päästä näkemään sellainen jossain paikan päällä, isojen dinojen täydellisesti tai lähes täysin säilyneet fossiilit kun ovat käsittääkseni harvinaista herkkua vieläkin.

    1. Hmm, jaa, tuota :D en oikeasti tiedä. Luin sen kuvauksenkin siellä museossa, mutta ei siinä mitään mainittu siitä onko täydellinen, lähes täydellinen tai ei sinnepäinkään. Toivon mukaan on suurimmaksi osaksi aito. Mutta en voi luvata, hieno se oli silti.

  2. Ihana kuva siusta! <3 ja Niin ihanat nuo putoukset ja kaikki. Aa haluan päästä matkustamaan. Nää kuvat ei yhtään lannista matkakuumetta.

    1. Hihi kiitos :3
      Mäki haluun taas jonnekin x) ei se matkakuume kai koskaan lähde. Ei varsinkaan kivan loman jälkeen. Ei ees halua tulla takaisin!

  3. Wow, it looks like a really interesting place! Love all the wild places and the Native American (?) art at the train station! Looks like it has everything!

    Are those feather eyelashes? Very cool! Where do you get them?

    1. The metro station was by the Royal Ontario Museum, the statues were pilars to remind you that you're at the museum stop! It was awesome!

      Nope, it's face paint! :D

  4. Great to hear you had a fantastic time! I really love the nature photos! The whole American continent has so many great landscapes! Wish to go there one day, too!
    Do you actually plan to move there? And what sort of exchange program do you have in mind? :)

    1. Yeah I am thinking of moving there, it's one of the places I'd like to move to :)
      Well my school has exchange possibilities in Canada - one in Toronto in Ryerson uni so I'm looking at that!

  5. Ah, sounds great. I never had the possibility to take part in an exchange program. Must be awesome to do that!
    And I wish you good luck, if you take the final decision moving there! And of course then I want to see a lot of blog entries :D

    1. Haha I'm really nervous about it but let's see what happens :D I hope everything goes well.
      Oh I will write from everywhere! ^^
