

Aurora, Aurora

Yesterday was a horrible horrible day. Just plain awful. I woke up in the morning with the most dreadful pain I've had thus far being here and big surprise (thank you effing painkiller hating Finland) I got nothing to help with the pain. I cried hysterically for two hours until I got a very tiny dose of oxycodone (not even enough to get half of the pain away) after which I was sent to a ear-nose-throat specialist. They found nothing new and sent me back to my ward.
I did get some new medications from them to help with the swelling and the infection, but pain? No nothing. I did manage to get paracetamol, which they love to give around here, thank the Lord above. IT IS THE MOST USELESS PAINKILLER EVER.

So, later, after again crying hysterically, I lost my IV, it started leaking. So they wanted to put a new one, but found no veins, so they decided I'd get a central line catheter. For that, they need to know how quickly my blood coagulates, so new blood samples. Again, no veins to be found. Had a panic attack.

They sent me to the catheter place, place the anaesthesiologist finally got some blood out and managed to answer the coagulation issue - and they gave me such enormous amounts of sedatives and strong painkillers (this white diazepine stuff and phentanyl) that I was in no pain whatsoever for the first time in weeks. I felt so bloody happy! When I was finally done with the catheter - which took about thrice as long as normal, since they put it in the wrong way first and had to correct it - I ate and drank so much I was actually full! I can't remember when I ate that much last! Seeing as I haven't been able to eat or drink for ages.

Now finally I'm getting oxycodone as pills during the day so I can eat and drink. They're not high doses, so I still feel the pain, but it's not nearly as bad as it was. And I'm getting both antivirals and antibiotics through the IV catheter, and the swelling has slightly subsided. So today seems to be a better day than yesterday. Yesterday was horrible.
But I managed to get some photos from outside, Aurora hospital is a relatively nice place, old but pretty on a little hill.


  1. Yep, Finland hates pain killers :( Paracetamol has always worked really well on me, but I can completely understand that it's not much in your condition. Personally, I think ibuprofen is the most useless stuff ever! Though I suppose different things work for different people. When I broke my collar bone I was only given 500mg Burana, one per day, and it's probably because of this memory of ineffective medicine that I despise the stuff so much... Anyway, I hope you won't have such horrible days anymore, keep courage and get well soon <3

    1. Yeah I'm not even allowed to eat ibuprofen! Which does not make things easier :D
      And oh god, that sort of broken bone and not even getting actual pain relief! I'm pretty sure doctors in this country just love seeing patients suffer!

  2. Mikä sulla tarkalleen ottaen oli? Voitko nyt syödä ja juoda normaalisti? Voimia sulle <3

    1. No siis kukaan ei tunnu tietävän....epäiltiin herpestä, koska se oli välillä positiivinen verikokeissa, mutta sen nyt ei pitäis tällaisia oireita tehdä, ja oireet on täsmälleen mononukleoosin, mutta se oli negatiivinen eli :D kaikille ihan täysi mysteeri!
      Voin nyt syödä ja juoda, saan onneksi noi kipulääkkeet ja turvotus vähän hellittänyt (voin jopa puhua normaalisti!)
      Kiitos <3

  3. Apua.. toivottavasti vointi paranee pian! Epäreilua että jonkun pitää elää moisten kipujen kanssa :( voimia ja paranemisia ja kaikkea! <3

    1. Siis on niin tyypillistä tässä maassa! En oo ikinä muualla huomannu tällasta, itseasias lääkäritki ollu ihan ihmeissään että ei oo suostunu ottamaan kovempia kipulääkkeitä kun ei oo lopulta tarvinnu. Täällä tarttis muttei saa :D siis ihan älytöntä! Mutta menee jo paremmin ja kirjotan siitäkin kohta!

  4. Lovely looking place! Shame they are such sadists! I can't imagine the pain you are in! Panadeine/panadol/paracetemol don't even kill menstrual cramps, let alone terrible pain!

    That neck catheter thing looks pretty terrifying!

    1. I know :D it is seriously the most useless painkiller ever. It's handy for like getting fever down and to be honest it does work for certain pains (*cough*urinary tract infections) but other than that, it's like taking placebos. So I don't mind taking it, it's nothing, but at least have something extra too! Which now I am getting, so now it's all good.

      Hahaha it looks horrible I know :D it's all yellow from the cleaning liquid and there's thread everywhere from the sewing, but it's still just your average IV (it's just bigger, it's 16 cm inside the vein so deep in my chest)
