

So, pink hair now

I ended up dyeing my hair yesterday and though the dye was a mix of Directions' Atlantic Blue and Rose Red, it ended up more pink than violet. I diluted the dye with some conditioner (or more like a lot of it) so it's a lot less intense than it would've been.
I still have some dye left, but I think I'll keep that till after my entrance exams - I have some in late April so I have to dye to blonde again at that point. Don't dare go to interviews with pink hair...
What do you guys think? Does it look good? How about what do you guys think about going to job interviews or school interviews with crazy hair? Would you do it or would you dilute your craziness to a "normal" level?
How about piercings? My stretches are up to an 8 mm, and going to 10 next week, I'm going to be wearing basic plugs and some ordinary hoops for the interviews, but what would you do?


  1. Ooo onpas kivan sävynen pinkki!

  2. ihana tuo pinkin sävy, käy siulle tosi hyvin! :)

  3. My wife and I are looking at you from way over here, so the piercings are fine, really. But you have such pretty eyes and maybe that would it would look more pleasing if you were blonde for your interviews and such.
    However, you look magnificent for the first day of Spring. :-)

    1. Oh thank you <3 that's just too kind :) I will be going back to blonde for the interviews, so let's see if it pays off! It takes a "few" months to know whether I got in or not, but it's okay

  4. Hey! I think nowadays employers and schools are very tolerant regarding hair colours, piercings and clothing. I'm currently working in the IT sector and a lot of extraordinary appearances pass me every day. They even attend their meetings with clients with piercings or a bandshirt underneath their blazer. One might assume that their business partners are rather young, but most of them are middle-aged. So... don't worry too much about your appearance as long as you look neat (you do!) and feel comfortable. Despite this tolerance I noticed which hair colours and piercings are looked on sceptically: green, blue, bright violet and big septums. :)

    1. Thank you for the great comment! I'm really starting to think about this in a whole new way since all the positive comments and thoughts on the matter, you reall made my day! I'm trying to get a place in business studies, so I'm wondering how they regard things like that, and it's nice to know that other sectors have gotten a lot more understanding in the last few years - it's a great step forward!

  5. My hair color is some kind of reddish pink and nobody seems to care. I even got a compliment on my hair color from one of my professors recently. But maybe it's just because I am still at the uni and I don't have any meetings and don't see any clients and don't do any official stuff :D But I have a feeling that red hair (and similar colors) are much more accepted than blue or such. So maybe it would be enogh to dye your hair more reddish :D But I think that schools don't mind anyway :) employers are a bigger problem....

    1. Yeah at uni my hair colour was no problem - I think universities in general are more accepting than other places (maybe cause all the teacher's are weirdos too) but hopefully that'll change! We'll see what happens concerning my hair dye, I've really gotten things to think about in this regard thank you :3
