

Blog Parade: Tattoos, Crazy Hair and Body Mods in Everyday Life

Jenn from hosts a blog parade on the subject of tattoos, body modifications in general and special hair dyes in everyday life. What it's like, what reactions has one gotten and that sort of thing.

Today is my turn to write about this. I will start with hair dye since that's the biggest for me. I change my hair colour about once in two months, and I change it from blue to red to violet to green to black and hopefully white at some point, which means that I look a bit different from the rest of the population for quite some time.

Now I don't work, I'm a student, which gives me a special sort of perspective to this, because in a university it's not that important what you look like, you'll still do well whatever you look like. Very unlike in the business world.

I've never gotten any negative reactions to my hair colours, ever. The only person who can't stand them is my dad, even my gran likes them! So for my part I've never noticed any negativity towards me just because of the way I look.

Actually, most of the time people compliment me on my hair. When I was working in a grocery store and had dark pink hair dye, an older lady came to me and told me I look so beautiful in my hair and wished she was younger so she could pull it off too! It made my day.
And when I worked for a while in a kindergarten I got the best reviews of my hair from the little ones. They all loved my crazy hair colours and every time the told me that that's their favourite colour of aaaalll colours. It was so cute.

Now to the subject of tattoos. I have only a few tattoos, and all of them are quite easily coverable, but I try my best to show them off, since I love them. Older people have been apprehensive as to why I would ever consider getting any and my dad thinks I'm insane, but other than that I've only gotten good reviews. One of my teachers liked the shading in my chest piece and showed his tattoo to me because of it, and one of my dad's oldest friends, an old lady, artistic and energetic, said she doesn't like that it's forever on my skin, but congratulated me on the art itself. Said I was a very good artist (it's a tattoo I drew myself). She was very impressed.

Most of the time I don't get any comments or anything from people when it comes to hair and tattoos, nobody really pays attention to me in that sense. And I think that's good. When people don't notice you even if you're a walking rainbow, it means they've gotten used it and that makes life a lot easier for people with body mods.

As I don't have any piercings (yet) I can't get into that, but I have friends who have tongue piercings, lip piercings and septum piercings, and they do fine in life. Personally I think that's the way it should be.

A person's professionalism shouldn't be judged by their looks but by their actions.

From Tumblr

However, I do understand that in certain workplaces it's just not okay to wear all piercings. Lab technicians and cooks for example have to wear protective gear anyways, so I wouldn't say it's a horrible thing to have to take the piercing out for a work day. You can always put the piercing back! But to not get a job because you have yellow hair, is something I cannot agree with, though it in this society would take authority away from the person. We are all valued based on our looks, and that's a difficult thing to change.
I hope that once at some point it will change, and all body mods will be acceptable in  all areas of everyday life.

From Tumblr

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