

Day XV: Food and Medicine....not

Today I'm not even going to try to count my calories. I was so hungry after the procedure that I just ate everything I could get my hands one, especially sweets, so I'm guessing my calorie count could've gone up to almost 2000 for today. Way way too much seeing as I don't move a lot.
But, it's a special day and tomorrow will be different. Really, I promise.

Also I got so many meds during the procedure (light anethesia) so I have no idea what or how much (they said that I needed more than most people) they pumped sedatives und sleeping solutions in me. So I won't do a medicine diary for today either.

I am going to stop doing a medicine diary from now on, and will only tell if I've needed something extra. My regulars now consist of all the old ones and Neurontin 600 mg three times a day, Cipralex 20 mg once a day and Zyprexa  5 mg once a day. But everything else I will tell you guys.

My exercise diary will change quite a bit I hope, since I am supposed to be more active at home. Less to do you see and lots to clean! We're getting guests for the 6th of December, for the National Day, so I can't wait! I need to clean all of house beforehand, and we need to go shopping for food with my dad.

So good night everyone and see you tomorrow in new circumstances and with new tricks up my sleeve!

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