

30 Day Photo Challenge: Day 15 - Silhouette

This was really a difficult thing to get done, but I managed something in that direction...

However, since Google has this ridiculous idea about correcting all of my photos, I can't show it to you, because it refuses to let the lighting be as is and tries to make it in to a basic side portrait. I hate Google+

Good Night Everybody

En voinut ladata siluettikuvaani koska Google+ on ämmä, joka korjaa jotain mitä ei haluta korjattavan. Vatun haahka. Öitä.

With a New Haircut - Maybe New Hair Dye? White Hair Inspo

This is a bit of inspiration for getting platinum blonde hair. I've never had my hair that blonde, but I want to try it out! I'm getting tired of the green, though it's pretty, but I want something new again, so I've bought all the dyes and bleaches and hope to achieve something along the line of these that I found on Tumblr.
All photos from Tumblr.

Haluaisin värjätä hiukseni näin valkoisiksi ja ehkä sen teenkin tässä piakkoin. Kaikki kuvat Tumblrista.

Second Photoshoot with Timo Otamo 19.2.2014

This one was a bit more dearing than the last one, so I won't show you all the photos, just a few of the more covered up ones.

What do you guys think?
Mitäs pidätte tämänkertaisista kuvista?

Moustaches - yes or no?

I've been trying to get my razorhating dad to grow a moustache, so I wouldn't hear him bitching every morning about "having to" razor his face, but he refuses, he says it feels even worse than razoring! But I'd still like to see him with a moustache, 'cause people look so different with and without facial hair. I think moustaches are cool, but as for how they feel I can't say much, since I'm a girl and don't have one (no seriously, I do get one if I don't pluck).

So what do you think? Do you like facial hair or not? Mitä mieltä olette, pitäisikö miehellä olla karvoja kasvoissa?
Here's some examples I found on Tumblr. Kuvat Tumblrista.