The scene youtuber Marina Joyce is just the cutest and sweetest thing ever, and I can't explain how much I enjoy watching her videos just rambling about stuff. It's so endearing. And for a 17-year-old, she's wonderfully intelligent though very easily distracted.
All photos from Tumblr.
Transplant patient with all kinds of worries from hospital fear to dieting, and loads about good music, tattoos and rock n' roll!
Disney TAG: All my favourite Disney songs
Janina from Wish To Be A Mermaid started this tag about Disney and I couldn't wait to do something in it! I just love Disney movies, really grew up with them (the German versions) and since then have just kept my passion for Disney.
I've already done a similar post, I know, but this time I'll post 10 of my favourite Disney songs and all of them will be in German since I really prefer them over the original English or the horrid horrid Finnish ones.
1. What is
your favourite Disney Film
2. Do you
still remember what Disney film you saw first?
No I don’t
think I do, I was so young, but I think it might have been Snow White
3. What
character is your favourite?
Marianne from Robin Hood, but I have many characters that mean a lot to me
4. What’s
your favourite bad guy?
Scar from
the Lion King, definitely – he’s awesome
5. What’s
your favourite dream couple?
Jasmin and
Aladdin of course
6. What
Disney story would you like to play out and what character would you be?
and I’d love to be Thomas O’Malley
7. What
Disney songs are your favourites?
See the top
10 down below!
8. What’s
your favourite quote?
feine Leute woll'n sich mal
vom Zwang
befrei'n und würden
gern ein Kätzchen sein.”
From the
German version of Everybody Wants to be a Cat of Aristocats
9. What
Disney items do you own?
I don’t own
any Disney items unfortunately – I’m hoping on getting something like a t-shirt
or a top at some point!
10. What
else would you like to own?
See number
11. Old
Disney movies or new?
Old. I’m a
fan of the old style, but I have nothing against the new ones per se, they’re
just not as nostalgic as the old ones seeing as I grew up with the old ones.
I've already done a similar post, I know, but this time I'll post 10 of my favourite Disney songs and all of them will be in German since I really prefer them over the original English or the horrid horrid Finnish ones.
TAG: 11 more things about me!
Rules of the Tag:
1. Tell 11 things about
2. Answer
the 11 questions from the tagger
3. Invent
11 new questions for the tagged
4. Choose
11 blogs with less than 200 readers to tag
5. Tell them they’ve been
6. Tell who
tagged you, no tagbacks
I was
tagged by Merituuli Mau from
11 things about me:
1. I drink
a lot of coffee these days
2. I can
eat a lot of diazepam and it has almost no effect on me
3. I used
to smoke regularly for about two months
4. I’m really hyperactive
right now
5. I wish
it was summer
6. I’m addicted to
7. I have a
horrible craving for sugar all the time
8. I love my labret
9. I let
our dog sleep on my bed and she’s a big dog…
10. I love driving
11. I can’t stand Rn’B
11 Questions to me:
1. How
would you spend your next Midsummer?
- Hopefully
with some good friends and a whole lot
of booze
2. How do
you think the apocalypse will happen?
- Nuclear
3. Do you
have any antiques?
-Yes, but I
won’t tell about them
4. What
makes you sad?
-A lot of
different things, I get really empathic sometimes
5. What
about happy?
things are going good with my dad and our
6. What
would you be like if you were of the opposite gender?
- The same
as now – really loud and with a gorey sense of humour!
7. What
would you ideal partner’s humour be like?
- As close
to mine as possible, I tend to rate possible partners with this standard
8. If you
went partying, what music would be played?
- EBM,
alternative rock or some nostalgic early 2000s music
9. If you
could create a video game, what would you create?
- An adventure
game with side scrolling 2D graphics – like Mario
10. What
would your dream place to live in?
- Rich life
in California----no, just a simple house somewhere in Switzerland
11. What’s
your favourite season?
- Spring,
when everything comes alive and it’s not too cold and not too hot
Questions from me:
1. Are you
prepared for the apocalypse?
2. Do you
think zombies are a possibility?
3. What
animal do you hate?
4. Do you
like the feeling of a bass sound running through your body?
5. Have you
ever been electroshocked?
6. Have you
ever been depressed?
7. Are you
an addict of something?
8. What
kind of a house do you live in?
9. Would
you like gardening?
10. Do you
have a youtube account, if yes, what is it?
11. Do you
live above your means?
I am again not tagging anyone in particular, you can choose to tag yourselves and do this if you'd like to! Happy answering!